Site Logo
Head to the main Divi Menu and you will see at the top of the General settings is the Logo Upload. This will take you to your media library where you can drag your logo file in from your desktop. It will be added to your main menu header, property page sidebar and your custom 404 page. ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of the page.
Design Tips
Sierra header area is transparent so make sure to use a white or light colored version of your logo with a transparent background that will stand out on page banner photos. PNG will be most suitable – just try to make sure your logo is cropped to its edges to make the most of its size.
Color Palette
A little further down from Logo you will see a default colour palette. These will pull through to the Divi Page Builder for every setting you have for editing – making it a much quicker process for updating your template theme. These will also link with your global colour which we will set later, that updates across the whole website.
Work your way through, clicking each of the default colours and enter your own 6-symbol hex code taken from your brand colours.
Design Tips
There will likely be only 2 or 3 colours in your brand. You can order these in the palette however you please but try to keep in mind which will be the main highlighting colour of the website. Sierra is a clean theme which uses just one green highlight and then shades of black/grey for building sections and modules. Don’t know your hex codes? Click here