Cemelot | Favicon – How to Add to a Site
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A favicon (pronounced “fave-icon”) is a small image / icon that displays in the tab on the browser address bar for your website. They can also be used in lists of bookmarks in web browsers and feed aggregators.

Favicons can be styled to match the logo or theme of your website, providing a quick and easy way for visitors to recognize your website at a glance.

To add a Favicon to your website:

  • Start by clicking ‘appearance’ from the side menu in your site’s content management system
  • Click customise
  • This loads the customiser. Click ‘General Settings’
  • Click ‘site identity’
  • In the left column at the bottom, you will see an option to ‘select site icon’
  • Click this to select or upload your icon from the image library.
  • Click select, which will load the image and show a preview. You have the option to ‘remove’ or ‘change image’
  • Once you are happy with your icon, click publish at the top left of the customiser page.

Note: Site Icons should be square and at least 512 × 512 pixels.